Founder's Message


“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”

- ­Albert Einstein

Confucius said, “He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.” At S.D. Adarsh Public School we encourage the asking of questions and aim to stretch the minds of our students, create an environment where they are able to take the initiative, fulfil their potential and to equip themselves with the skills to shape their own future. Our Principal and teachers show dedication in assisting the students to advance on this journey.


The school regards it as equally important to inculcate high levels of moral and social awareness and a strong sense of right and wrong. Pupils willingly take on responsibility and service both within and beyond the school community and take seriously the need to play their part in working towards a better world.
Thus the school provides a well-ordered community that encourages self discipline, independence of thought and consideration for others. With the support and co­operation of all stakeholders, we look forward to furthering all-round progress.


K.C Khurana




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